Realtime Art & Visual Effects

  • Abschluss: Master of Arts (M. A.)
  • Umfang: 4 Semesters, 120 ECTS Punkte
  • Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
  • Unterrichtssprache: English
  • Kosten: tuition fee at least € 363,- per semester (up to double amount for NON-EU countries) + Euro 22.70 student union fee per semester

Embark on an evolutionary educational journey that merges art with groundbreaking technology. Our Master’s programme in Realtime Art & Visual Effects integrates the principles behind leading real-time graphics platforms and intricate procedural generation tools. It’s about mastering the interplay of creativity and technology, and spearheading the next era of immersive digital narratives.

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Why study Realtime Art & Visual Effects at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the creative and digital realm, adaptability is key. The T-shaped generalist model is central to our curriculum, equipping students with a blend of specialized knowledge and broad understanding. This approach prepares graduates to excel in their core domain while understanding and bridging interdisciplinary boundaries, crucial for success in dynamic creative environments.

The programme’s strength is magnified by the long-standing collaboration between the study programmes MultiMediaTechnology and MultiMediaArt. Integrating into this collaboration establishes a triangular project structure and curriculum design. This design promotes real-world collaboration among producers, technicians, and designers, mirroring industry expectations.

Each student embarks on a comprehensive deep dive into a personal research project. Guided by individual supervision from an industry expert, this immersive journey culminates in their final master thesis, showcasing their prowess and specialized insight in the field.

Three Pillars, Endless Possibilities

Unlock your potential with our cutting-edge programme that focuses on three key areas of expertise:

Realtime Workflows

Dive deep into the world of real-time graphics, where the boundaries between interactivity and visualization merge seamlessly. Master the creation of breathtaking interactive applications, while also leveraging realtime engines for noninteractive media, such as movies and other passive visual content. This mastery ensures a dynamic presence across various media platforms, from interactive to the silver screen.

Procedural Workflows

Learn to replace the conventional linear production with dynamic, system-oriented techniques.

Transcend the traditional. Learn to replace the conventional linear production with dynamic, system-oriented techniques, allowing for the creation of complex environments, mesmerizing effects, and radiant visualizations with both efficiency and artistry.

AI & Production Workflows

Explore where advanced technology enriches artistic endeavors. Learn the nuances of photogrammetry for accurate environment replication, and the art of performance capture for vivid digital characters. Step into virtual production, merging on-location shoots with real-time digital layers. And with Generative AI, enhance the potential of realizing ambitious creative concepts, ensuring a holistic approach to digital storytelling.


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