Sustainable Energy Systems

  • Abschluss: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
  • Umfang: 4 Semesters, 120 ECTS Punkte
  • Studienart: Präsenzstudium, Vollzeit
  • Bildungsfeld: Bauen & Energie
  • Website:


Akad. Abschluss:
 Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
Studienplätze: 23

Zugangsvoraussetzungen: abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelorstudium (180 ECTS Punkte), gute Englischkenntnisse

Bewerbung online oder schriftlich:
Aufnahmeverfahren: Bewerbungsgespräch

Unterrichtssprache: 100% Englisch

Auslandserfahrung: Ein Auslandssemester oder -praktikum wird unterstützt und gezielt gefördert. [email protected]

Studienplan: Lehrinhalte des Studiums im Überblick


Why Study With Us?

The Master of Sustainable Energy Systems programme is designed to provide students from various engineering disciplines with a deeper understanding on how to develop, plan and market efficient technologies for sustainable energy production and conversion, while also equipping students with the necessary skills in order to become an international engineer.

The core of the programme is focused around renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaics, wind, hydropower, and biomass, and how to use them efficiently. As such, the programme provides students with both a technical and practical approach that is needed when dealing with a variety of different issues. For example, you would have the appropriate skills in order to communicate with a process engineer at the steel manufacturing plant or solar facility, and would be able to accurately provide an energy-efficient (saving) solution.

Practice-oriented Degree Programme

As a University of Applied Sciences, we cooperate closely with the local industry and companies within the region, as well as with various international ones. These connections enable, you, the student, to develop highly sought-after skills, as you will gain practical, hands-on experience which ultimately increases your level of employability. Further interdisciplinary and applied research projects will allow you to strengthen relationships with the local industry and international companies throughout your studies.

Target Group

This programme is aimed at graduates who have a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent of at least 180 ECTS) in Engineering or another technical field of study.

The annual intake is 23 students per year. Students are selected based on a written application and personal interview(s). Due to the international scope of the programme, we aim at providing students with a culturally diverse learning environment, bringing together local Austrian students and students from around the world.

School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences

The Master of Sustainable Energy Systems is offered at the Wels Campus, in the School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, which is part of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. Wels is a historic city with a strong industry and offers great job opportunities. Wels is located in the beautiful region of Upper Austria. Please follow the links for further information about Wels and Upper Austria.

New Start in Fall of 2014

The semester began with a warm welcome to the very first class of SES students, from over fifteen different countries, truly making this an international programme. Check out our website for more information on how to enrolll for next year.



In order to enroll in the programmestudents must have obtained at least a Bachelor’s degree or comparable higher education at university level (at least 180 ECTS) which contain following fields:

Field ECTS
Knowledge in Engineering (with the subject area Power Engineering)
For example; Technical Mathematics, Physics, etc.
Minimum 30
Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics Minimum 10
Electrical Engineering Minimum 10
Business, Social Skills, Project Management Minimum 10

Examples of acceptable previous degree programmes:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Process Engineering
  • Technical Physics
  • Automation Engineering
  • Materials and Design Engineering
  • Eco Energy Engineering
  • Chemistry

All courses are taught in English; therefore a very strong understanding of the English language is absolutely necessary due to the theoretical and technical nature of the course material. A recognised English certification (TOEFL IbT preferred , IELTS) is required for the application – min 6.0 for IELTS/min. 78 points for TOEFL.

Please note that we cannot except an English proficiency letter from universities.


The focus of the programme is built around the principles on how to manage the demand for safe, cost-efficient sustainable energy systems. Therefore, the curriculum contains courses that will enrich a students’ knowledge in areas like the utilisation of sustainable energy resources, energy systems and distribution, both in terms of technical knowledge and practical skill development. Furthermore, courses covering topics such as the business of energy, legal frameworks, both EU and international regulations, and the ecological evaluation of energy flows will be examined in detail.

Due to the international scope of this programme, a portion of the courses will be focused on international negotiation, intercultural communication and adaptation, and the development of language skills. Together with courses that are meant to strengthen a students’ soft skills and a module on business administration, these will enable graduates to produce, distribute and develop goods or consult companies concerning projects in the area of power engineering and sustainable energy, in an (inter)national field.

Graduates will be able to:

  • Combine technical know-how with economic principles
  • Implement and manage research projects according to modern management methods
  • Consult banks/insurance companies on matters that contain civil law, contract law, business law, patent law, competition regulations, and liabilities issues

Graduates will work as (senior) Engineers or project leaders in the field of energy efficiency, in which they will be able to identify potential energy-saving and/or energy efficiency or project planning, and the realisation of sustainable energy power plants. This means that graduates will be able to find jobs in:

  • Energy-intensive industries such as with utility companies
  • Energy consulting
  • Energy Engineering for systems such as in power plants or photovoltaics
  • Energy technician

 Graduates’ tasks could be:

  • Planning and understanding large-scale energy generators, working with wind-power, hydro-power
  • Identification of energy saving potential through the recommendation of appropriate products/systems
  • Implementation of energy efficient projects
  • Operating and maintaining energy systems


FH Oberösterreich (Wels)
Stelzhamerstraße 23, 4600 Wels

Telefon: 050804-40 Website:

Studien der Uni